The Nestlé Sustainable Sourcing Programme (SSP), co-coordinated by Fundación Global Nature (FGN) and the Sustainable Agriculture Network (SAN), celebrated an “all-partners meeting” last month at Nestlé's offices in Vevey, Switzerland. This event gathered nearly 100 people from 14 countries, representing Nestlé, the Programme's implementing organizations and participating supplier companies.
“The Sustainable Sourcing Programme is paramount for suppliers because it supports their improvement on social and environmental practices, therefore makes them more resilient to climate change and new legislations; it’s key for Nestlé’s Procurement, because it helps support and reward suppliers which can best help deliver Nestlé sustainability related commitments; and it’s essential for the world, because ensures the stability of the food supply chain and reduces the negative pressure of agriculture over natural resources and human health.”
Alain Nguyen, Global Sustainable Sourcing Lead at Nestlé
The gathering was an opportunity to reflect on the Programme's evolution since it started back in 2018, highlighting the main initiatives deployed and the impact achieved. It was also a day of recognition for the work and dedication of the suppliers who have been engaged in the Programme over the years, demonstrating a long-term commitment to the Programme's climate, regen-ag and human rights objectives.
Nestlé has committed over 12.4 million euro under the Sustainable Sourcing Programme (SSP) in the past three years, engaging with 33 supplier companies in 10 countries to advance regenerative agriculture and enhance farmer communities' livelihoods. The SSP has benefited in average 1,200 farmers per year during the past five years; only in 2022 and 2023, the supplier companies have implemented over 500 field interventions in 6,500 hectares to enhance in-farm biodiversity.
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