Nestlé Responsible Sourcing Program
Deliver positive impacts for farmer communities and the environment at the origins of spices and vegetables.

The programmes aim to implement tailored and focused approaches against the Nestlé Responsible Sourcing Standard and deliver positive impacts on:

Enabling safe living conditions, minimum wages and no-child labor.

Supporting biodiverse and environmentally sustainable farms.

Fostering resilient livelihoods and profitable farms.
SAN - Nestlé Partnership
Nestlé and SAN have partnered on the development of this Program. While Nestlé is responsible for the funding, SAN oversees the technical and administrative management of the program and related projects' implementation.
SAN’s role within the Programmes includes:
Supporting the traceability assessment for Nestle’s supply chain.
Co-designing the program's framework and monitoring system, outcome and performance indicators.
Undertaking the data collection activities.
Supporting suppliers to achieve the program's outcomes.